A unifying desktop experience powered by React Native

The days of writing desktop software for only one platform are long gone. But who really wants to write two or even three different versions of the same app? Unifying a singular experience and product with a manageable cost and codebase is a complex task, but we can help! React Native is built for this task, and we’ve been building desktop apps in React Native for many years.

Ready to work with us?
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Illustration of a computer with the Windows and Apple logo

We’re the React Native experts that many big companies rely on

Our experienced developers create robust and flexible desktop apps using the React Native framework. React Native provides a seamless development path that lets you work faster and more effectively without the bulky dependencies of oversimplified solutions like Electron. Large companies like Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft have adopted React Native for their products. For example, the current version of Microsoft Office 365 is built with this technology.

We’re dedicated to smaller and faster cross-platform applications that share React code between all platforms.

Collage of the Infinite Red team
Illustration of a Mac desktop computer and a Windows laptop computer

World-class React Native apps on any platform

We are leaders in React Native, and we have the experience you need in React Native Windows and React Native macOS. We've worked with major companies, including Facebook and Microsoft, to develop and expand the capabilities of these platforms, leading to substantially more performant desktop applications that retain the advantages of cross-platform development.

Our React Native qualifications are second to none

React Native’s become the heartbeat of Infinite Red. We believe in paying it forward, which is how we’ve become known as the standout leaders in the space. 

We host 500+ people at the U.S. React Native conference every year that includes exclusive announcements from Amazon, Facebook, and Microsoft. We’re also actively contributing to over 30 open source projects (perhaps you’ve heard of Ignite?). 

If that wasn't enough, we're also one of the very few official Facebook React Native Partners in the world.

Device mockup of the Sellebrate app on the iPhone

"Infinite Red engineers helped us rewrite an under-performing Electron app, getting a “walking skeleton” up very quickly. Our velocity vastly exceeded the other platforms’ engineering teams that chose to write in “native”. I heartily recommend them for web, mobile, & windows/Xbox."

Matt Hargett, Bluejeans
Photo of Gant Laborde and Mark Rickert hugging at a retreat.Photo of Todd Werth laughing during an online team game. Other members of the team are in the background.Photo of team members Jed Bartausky and Carlin Isaacson at a team dinner.Photo of Darin Wilson sitting at a table listening to a presentation

Ready to start your React Native desktop project?

There’s no perfect time to get started. Whether you have a formal proposal or a few napkin sketches, we’re always happy to chat about your project at any stage of the process.

Schedule a call