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RNR 303 - Stories from Chain React 2024

August 9, 2024
Robin Heinze, Mazen Chami, Jamon Holmgren, Jed Bartausky

Jamon, Robin, and Mazen are joined by special guest Jed Bartausky to recap Chain React 2024. They highlight memorable talks, workshops, and the fun chaos of organizing the event. We even hear fun stories,like unexpected water damage and DIY letters, that made this year's conference one of the best!

This episode is brought to you by Infinite Red! Infinite Red is an expert React Native consultancy located in the USA. With nearly a decade of React Native experience and deep roots in the React Native community (hosts of Chain React and the React Native Newsletter, core React Native contributors, creators of Ignite and Reactotron, and much, much more), Infinite Red is the best choice for helping you build and deploy your next React Native app.

Show Notes

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Photo of Gant Laborde and Mark Rickert hugging at a retreat.Photo of Todd Werth laughing during an online team game. Other members of the team are in the background.Photo of team members Jed Bartausky and Carlin Isaacson at a team dinner.Photo of Darin Wilson sitting at a table listening to a presentation

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