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Meet your hosts,

three of the most









React Native experts around.

Jamon Holmgren

Co-Founder & CTO

Jamon is Co-Founder and CTO of Infinite Red and one of the most recognizable voices in the React Native community. You may have seen him speak at various conferences around the world, but most know him from where he is just as likely to nerd out about React Native as he is to show pictures of his tractor. He lives in southwest Washington state with his family, plays recreational hockey as a goalie, and has a new granddaughter!

Robin Heinze

Director of Engineering

Robin, the Director of Engineering at Infinite Red, leads our team of senior-level React Native engineers. She’s guided numerous high-profile clients on their journey to the App Store and is just as known for her engineering knowledge as her seemingly endless collection of “mom jokes” on the show. She lives near Portland, Oregon with her family and enjoys knitting and Formula One.

Mazen Chami

Senior Software Engineer

Mazen’s smooth bass voice rounds out the trifecta of React Native Radio hosts. He’s one of the leading senior software engineers on the Infinite Red team. He’s spoken at tech conferences around the world, is on the React Native core release team, and is also our lead React Native workshop instructor. He lives in Durham, NC, and uses his former professional soccer (“football”) skills to play goalie for a local team.

Recent episodes

Obsessed with RNR?
So is the React Native community!

Photo of Gant Laborde and Mark Rickert hugging at a retreat.Photo of Todd Werth laughing during an online team game. Other members of the team are in the background.Photo of team members Jed Bartausky and Carlin Isaacson at a team dinner.Photo of Darin Wilson sitting at a table listening to a presentation

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