What we do for you

Our vast experience and expertise let us build the best dynamic apps and partnerships. You can trust our tested process and our engineering prowess to see your product
from start to finish.

Our tech stack

Our senior software engineers have been building and shipping apps for over ten years. We are one of the best React Native teams in the world. We are on the core team and we've helped Microsoft get React Native working in Windows.

Mobile & desktop apps powered by React Native

We're true mobile experts who understand the challenges of designing and delivering quality mobile apps.

We use React Native as well as fully native development to optimize your project and share logic across platforms. Translation: you pay to build your app once, and it works on both iOS and Android.

Looking for a unified desktop experience for your app? Our friendly team of React Native desktop experts are here to help with that as well.

More about our expertise

iOS & Android

Great apps need the expertise of a multi-disciplinary team. They work together–from planning to implementation.

Our process has our designers and developers working side-by-side. They'll solve the unique challenges of your app and uncover ways to make it even better than you imagined.

Learn more about our expertise

AI & Machine Learning

Machine learning and A.I. offer incredible potential for improving businesses and their customers' experiences. But, it's tough to know where to begin.

That’s where Infinite Red comes in. We stay abreast of the latest innovations, supplying expertise on machine learning and A.I. to diverse clients from government entities to technology conferences to small businesses.

Learn more about our expertise
Photo of Gant Laborde and Mark Rickert hugging at a retreat.Photo of Todd Werth laughing during an online team game. Other members of the team are in the background.Photo of team members Jed Bartausky and Carlin Isaacson at a team dinner.Photo of Darin Wilson sitting at a table listening to a presentation

Ready to get started with us? Chat with our team over zoom

There’s no perfect time to get started. Whether you have a formal proposal or a few napkin sketches, we’re always happy to chat about your project at any stage of the process.

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